Why now?

You thought dystopia could only happen in the future? You would be wrong.
The irony of writing about a civilization that destroyed itself 12,000 years in the past while watching it all happen again today is simply mind-shattering. Conflagrations in Siberia, the Pacific Northwest and Australia. Deadly floods in Europe and Asia. Killer heat domes and a thousand-year drought. Twenty-seven volcanoes going off at once with ten waiting to blow? Monster hurricanes. Millions dead in the first of many pandemics. Oceans, lakes, and rivers dying from pollution. Extinction of species on a grand scale. Glaciers and both polar ice caps melting under extreme heat waves. The Atlantic “Conveyor Belt” about to quit, threatening a “Day After Tomorrow” scenario. Mother nature is striking back, yet... a debacle at the 2021 Glasgow Climate Conference, some world leaders floundering and paralyzed, and others threatening nuclear holocaust.
I find myself these days trembling with rage and despair watching our own brilliant, suicidal, technology-obsessed society – so spoiled and addictively entertained by its own jaw dropping talents – doing it all again, destroying the only planet in our solar system capable of supporting higher life forms. We are thwarted by governments, religions, corporate billionaires and oligarchs, and deceived by shortsighted, closed-minded scientists, main stream academia and media that seek to hide some of our most important truths. Even our own history, the true chronology of our species and its civilization, is forbidden to the masses.
We’ve become a juggernaut, an overstuffed train of fools racing headlong down the tracks, toward the South Wall of the Great Unknown.
Within the last few months before publication of The Gods of Early Erthe Saga, media from “60 Minutes” to the New York Times and Forbes, to every corner the Internet has been inundated with the most momentous story in human history after 70 years of cover-ups: “Disclosure” by the United States government.

The general public is finally learning that our planet – especially military installations and naval vessels – have been and are currently being visited, our nuclear missiles observed and tampered with by UFOs (what the authorities are now calling UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). Government agencies have finally been established to study them as threats to national security. What is still unspoken – but the unassailable truth – is that those who build and fly these crafts are not of this earth, or perhaps this dimension. In other words... “We are not alone in the universe.” Nor, as I’ve suggested in The Gods of Early Erthe Saga, have we ever been.

As crucially important, Gobekli Tepe – an unearthed religious and advanced astronomical site in Southern Turkey – is now indisputably confirmed by the most closed-minded of archaeologists and historians as 7,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid at Giza.
There was great celebration in my house when Cal Tech’s Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin found scientific evidence of our solar system’s "Planet X" with its long elliptical 20,000 year orbit around our sun (in Gods of Early Erthe the home planet, Terres), what the two researchers call “Planet 9.” While it hasn’t been definitively proven, data is mounting for its existence every day.

It seems ridiculous that I should feel vindicated by these revelations for writing a series of “historical science fiction” novels, but it is perhaps that I believe there is much more history and science in what I’ve put in these pages than fiction, when so many believe the existence of Atlantis is no more than a silly myth, and so many heap ridicule on those who take the subjects of Atlantis and aliens seriously.
Many will insist my books should be classified as fantasy. I simply refused to second-guess Plato or dismiss his dating of the demise of Atlantis that corresponds precisely (11,600 years in the past) with the most up-to-date geological evidence of The Great Flood.
In retrospect, having spent more than two decades writing the The Gods of Early Erthe Saga, I couldn’t be more proud nor more certain that my adaptation of Plato's cautionary tale needs to be told. It is a deeply personal work, my magnum opus. My contribution to bringing awareness of our global folly in the hope that we can stop the inconceivable madness that has taken over our species before it's too late.
– Robin Maxwell, Pioneertown CA, 2022